Five Big Ticket Items when House Hunting

When house hunting, there are many aspects of a house that will be liked or disliked such as paint color, or size of the backyard. There may also be parts of the house that may need repair. Many elements can be changed or repaired with little effort such as repainting a room, the size of the backyard would be more difficult to change.

There are five key areas for any house that need to be looked at closely when house hunting.

1. Roof

Biggest concern is overall condition of the shingles, and checking for possibility of multiple layers of shingles. The flashing or metal pieces around chimneys or other roofing features may be loose or have leaks.

2. Kitchen

The cost of updating or re-doing a kitchen is one of the two biggest costs in renovating. New cabinets, counter tops, and appliances alone can cost fifteen to twenty thousands dollars plus. The focal areas to check out in a kitchen are areas near water pipes such as under the kitchen sink for water damage or improperly done plumbing.

3. Bathroom

The second greatest renovation cost in a house is the bathroom. Double check the area under the sink, and around the tub or shower stall for water damage or black splotches of mold. Also try the faucets for adequate water pressure. Squishy drywall can be a sign of water damage.


An unfinished basement can be a treasure trove of information about the house. If the house was built before the late 1970’s, asbestos may also be an issue with exposed pipes wrapped in an insulation like material. The age of the furnace and hot water heater or water softener needs to be looked at. Double check the wall and floor of basement for past water damage.

5. Structure

Look carefully at the walls for cracks or past water damage. Unevenness or non-level floors can be a sign of structural issues along with a sagging roof line.

For assistance in future house hunting, or selling current home contact us